Visión General de AOMEI Partition Assistant for Recovery

Raines Publicado PorRaines Actualizado en 17/12/2024


AOMEI Partition Assistant for Recovery es un programa de recuperación de datos fácil de usar, que se puede utilizar para recuperar archivos perdidos causados por un borrado accidental, formateo, fallo del sistema, ataque de virus, etc. Ayuda a recuperar datos tanto en PCs Windows en funcionamiento como en PCs averiados.

Sistemas Operativos Compatibles

Microsoft Windows 11 (todas las ediciones, 32-bit and 64-bit) Microsoft Windows 10 (todas las ediciones, 32-bit and 64-bit) Microsoft Windows 8/8.1 (todas las ediciones, 32-bit and 64-bit) Microsoft Windows 7 (todas las ediciones, 32-bit and 64-bit) Microsoft Windows Vista (todas las ediciones, 32-bit and 64-bit) Microsoft Windows Server 2022 (todas las ediciones) Microsoft Windows Server 2019 (todas las ediciones) Microsoft Windows Server 2016 (todas las ediciones) Microsoft Windows Server 2012 and 2012 R2 (todas las ediciones) Microsoft Windows Server 2008 R2 (todas las ediciones)

Formatos de Archivo de Escaneado Soportados

Texto Documentos *.TXT;

WORD Documentos *.DOC; *.DOCM; *.DOCX; *.DOT; *.ODT; *.WPS;

EXCEL Documentos *.XLS; *.XLSB; *.XLSM; *.XLSX; *.XLT; *.XLTM; *.XLTX; *.XPS; *.CSV; *.DBF; *.DIF; *.ODS; *.PRN; *.SLK; *.XLA; *.XLAM;

PDF Documentos *.PDF; *.PDP;

PPT Documentos *.PPT; *.PPTM; *.PPTX; *.ODP; *.POT; *.POTM; *.POTX; *.PPA; *.PPAM; *.PPS; *.PPSM; *.PPSX;

Fotos *.BMP; *.CUR; *.RLE; *.DIB; *.ICO; *.JFIF; *.JPG; *.JPEG; *.JPE; *.JPF; *.JPX; *.JP2; *.J2C; *.J2K; *.JPC; *.JPS; *.PNG; *.TIF; *.TIFF; *.PBM; *.PGM; *.PPM; *.PNM; *.PFM; *.PAM; *.MPO; *.GIF; *.HEVC; *.HEIC; *.HEIF; *.RAW; *.DNG; *.CR2; *.ARW; *.DCR; *.MRW; *.NEF; *.ORF; *.PEF; *.PSD; *.SVG; *.X3F;

Vídeos *.MPEG; *.MPG; *.MP4; *.DAT; *.AVI; *.MOV; *.ASF; *.WMV; *.NAVI; *.3GP; *.RA; *.RM; *.RMX; *.MKV; *.FLV; *.F4V; *.RMVB; *.WebM; *.QSV;

Audios *.CDA; *.WAV; *.AIFF; *.MP3; *.MID; *.WMA; *.VQF; *.OGG; *.ARM; *.APE; *.FLAC; *.AAC; *.M4A;

Correos electrónicos *.MSG; *.EML;

Páginas web *.XHTML; *.HTML; *.MHT; *.MHTML; *.aspx; *.lab; *Xml;

Archivos Comprimidos *.000; *.001; *.7Z; *.ACE; *.AIN; *.ALZ; *.APZ; *.AR; *.ARC; *.ARI; *.ARJ; *.AXX; *.BH; *.BHX; *.BOO; *.BZ; *.BZA; *.BZ2; *.CAB; *.CAR; *.CBR; *.CBZ; *.CP9; *.CPGZ; *.CPT; *.DAR; *.DD; *.DGC; *.EFW; *.F; *.GCA; *.GZ; *.HA; *.HBC; *.HBC2; *.HBE; *.HKI; *.HKI1; *.HKI2; *.HKI3; *.HPK; *.HYP; *.ICE; *.IMP; *.IPK; *.ISH; *.ISO; *.JAR; *.JGZ; *.JIC; *.KGB; *.KZ; *.LBR; *.LHA; *.LNX; *.LQR; *.LZ4; *.LZH; *.LZM; *.LZMA; *.LZO; *.LZX; *.MD; *.MINT; *.MOU; *.MPKG; *.MZP; *.NZ; *.P7M; *.PACKAGE; *.PAE; *.PAK; *.PAQ6; *.PAQ7; *.PAQ8; *.PAR; *.PAR2; *.PBI; *.PCV; *.PEA; *.PF; *.PIM; *.PIT; *.PIZ; *.PKG; *.PUZ; *.PWA; *.QDA; *.R00; *.R01; *.R02; *.R03; *.RAR; *.RK; *.RPM; *.RTE; *.RZ; *.RZS; *.S00; *.S01; *.S02; *.S7Z; *.SAR; *.SDN; *.SEA; *.SFS; *.SFX; *.SH; *.SHAR; *.SHK; *.SHR; *.SIT; *.SITX; *.SPT; *.SQX; *.SQZ; *.TAR; *.TAZ; *.TBZ; *.TBZ2; *.TGZ; *.TLZ; *.TLZ4; *.TXZ; *.UC2; *.UHA; *.UUE; *.WOT; *.XEF; *.XX; *.XXE; *.XZ; *.Y; *.YZ; *.YZ1; *.Z; *.ZAP; *.ZIP; *.ZIPX; *.ZIX; *.ZOO; *.ZZ;

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