How to Have Windows Boot Manager Deleted from BIOS

The post covers the meaning of the Windows Boot Manager, reasons for the removal of it, and the stepwise guide on how to get the Windows Boot Manager deleted from BIOS with a professional tool.


By Hedy / Updated on August 3, 2023

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What is Windows Boot Manager?

The Windows Boot Manager is a critical component that plays a pivotal role in the startup process of your operating system. When you power on your computer, the BIOS or UEFI firmware searches for the Windows Boot Manager. Once located, it loads the Windows kernel and initiates the boot process, enabling your operating system to start up successfully. However, if the Boot Manager is missing or becomes corrupted, it can lead to startup issues, preventing your computer from booting properly.

Typically, the Windows Boot Manager file is located on the System Reserved disk. However, if your computer lacks a System Reserved partition, you will find the file on your system partition, which is commonly the C drive. It's essential to note that the BOOTMGR file is set as read-only, making it inaccessible for direct editing.

The proper functioning of the Windows Boot Manager is crucial for the seamless operation of your operating system, and any issues with this component can result in boot failures and related problems. Regular maintenance and ensuring the integrity of system files are essential to prevent such startup issues and keep your computer running smoothly.

Why need to delete Windows Boot Manager from BIOS?

Users often consider having the Windows Boot Manager deleted from BIOS for several reasons:

✦ Simplifying the boot process: If there's only one operating system installed on the computer, eliminating the need to choose between different options during startup can streamline the boot process. Removing the Windows Boot Manager allows the computer to directly boot into the installed operating system without additional prompts or delays.

✦ Troubleshooting boot issues: In certain cases, the Windows Boot Manager may cause conflicts with other software or hardware components, leading to boot problems, slow boot times, or system instability. Removing it and relying on an alternative boot manager or the default boot settings of the operating system can help resolve these issues.

✦ Switching to a different boot manager: While the Windows Boot Manager serves as the default for Windows operating systems, some users prefer alternative boot managers that offer additional features or customization options. Removing the Windows Boot Manager enables users to replace it with a preferred alternative like GRUB (used in many Linux distributions) or rEFInd, which supports multiple operating systems and provides an appealing boot menu.

✦ Operating system migration: When planning to migrate to a different operating system entirely, such as transitioning from Windows to a Linux distribution or macOS, deleting the Windows Boot Manager from BIOS becomes necessary. This ensures the new operating system's boot manager takes precedence, facilitating a seamless boot into the desired OS without interference from the Windows Boot Manager.

It's crucial to understand the implications before removing the Windows Boot Manager and ensure you have a suitable alternative in place or only have one operating system installed, which ensures a smooth transition and prevents potential booting issues.

How to delete Windows Boot Manager from BIOS?

Having the Windows Boot Manager deleted from the BIOS will indeed prevent you from booting into Windows unless you have an alternative boot manager in place or only have one operating system installed.

For those interested in the process, AOMEI Partition Assistant Professional is a highly recommended disk partition management software compatible with Windows 11, 10, 8, and 7.

One of its valuable features is the "UEFI BIOS boot options manager", which facilitates easy and swift management of boot options. It allows users to change boot order, delete, backup, restore, and refresh EFI/UEFI BIOS boot options without the need to manually access the BIOS and deal with complex boot item modifications. This feature significantly saves time and simplifies the management of boot options.

Here are the steps to delete the Windows Boot Manager from BIOS using AOMEI Partition Assistant Professional:

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Step 1. Install and launch AOMEI Partition Assistant. Click on the "Tools" main tab and select "UEFI BIOS Boot Options Manager".


Step 2. Boot from the alternative startup item, then click on "Windows Boot Manager" and select the "Remove" button on the right.


Step 3. After successfully deleting the Windows Boot Manager, you have the option to click "Restart Now" to immediately restart your computer if needed. Alternatively, you can click "Cancel" to close the Manager window.


◤ The process works for various computer brands, including HP, Lenovo, ASUS, and so on.
◤ The feature is available for GPT disks. If your disk is an MBR disk, you should convert it to GPT first.
◤ If the Windows Boot Manager is the current boot environment, you can delete it after booting from other available boot items, otherwise, the delete option may be grayed out.


That's all about why need to have the Windows Boot Manager deleted from BIOS and how to do it. With AOMEI Partition Assistant Professional, you can easily remove the Windows Boot Manager in the BIOS settings.

In addition, this software offers a wide range of functions like cloning disks, migrating OS, and moving folders from C drive to D drive. Besides, for users of Windows Server, there's a dedicated Server Edition tailored to cater to their specific needs.

Hedy · Staff Editor
Hedy is an editor of AOMEI Technology. She is very good at solving problems of partition management, and she wants to share all the problems she had already solved to users who met the same questions.